Creating an interactive archives section for your website can enhance user experience by organizing content and making i...
By storing a file in the MySQL database make it easier to retrieve files uploaded by the user or in a specific category....
You may be wondering how to implement or set a password link expiry time after requesting a reset password. So we can im...
In modern web applications, user location data can be a valuable asset for various functionalities, including personaliz...
When a new user registered for the first time the account must verified. It can be done in different ways. // R...
<p>We are going to build a nice PHP sign-up script where a user can create an account to gain access to the "m...
Let's create a login form page a user can login. <form class="modal-contentloginform" id="table" method="post" ...
In previous post we design the login form, so finally implement PHP code // LOG USER IN if (isset($_POST['login...
Upload and save a file in to a database using PHP and MySQL. let's implement upload a file. create an upload form i...
First when a user logged in put the logged in user in to a session $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE (email='$email...
How to Add a Visitor Counter to a Website using PHP and MySQL When a user visit a website and access the the conten...